My friends from Puerto Rico left on Tuesday. I already miss them. They love the Lord so much. I've actually learned a lot from them just being around them. One of the things that stuck out to me was that every time we shared a meal, we'd pray beforehand. Now, I know that's pretty common at home too, but what was different was that we didn't just thank the Lord for the food. Julio usually prayed, and he didn't just say "ThanksforthefoodAmen." He thanked the Father for friends and family, for His mercies, and His grace. We just worshipped the Lord at the table in the middle of a busy restaurant. It is so cool to hang out with people my age who can sit around and just talk about what the Lord is doing, or how the Lord even got us to this point in our lives in the first place. They are wonderful.
I officially started work on Monday. I am DEFINITELY in for a challenge. I don't know what I thought I was getting myself into upon coming up here, but now that my job has been laid out in front of me, the responsibilities are tremendous. I get to the office Monday-Thursday at 10am. I work and prepare my lessons until the after school program that starts at 3. I do the devotions for the A.S program ( mostly 7-8th graders) once or twice a week. These are the kids who don't necessarily go to Graffiti. They come from Catholic schools in the area and are from all different walks of life. Also on Wednesday nights the church serves a free meal to the homeless. It is so fun. I got to serve the food, and once I was done I got to sit down at a table with some men and talk with them. All of them that I talked to had problems with drugs and alcohol and that is why they have no money and why they are living on the streets. I told them I couldn't really relate to those experience personally, but had a father who I talk to often who struggles with all those things. One of the guys I met was named Johnny. He is homeless and lives in an abandoned building. He's 18. When I saw him walk in, I could tell he was very close to my age, if not younger. He told me about his life and I sat and listened. His story is full of sin, brokenness, shame, and guilt... breeding ground for the Lord's mercies. He said he would start coming back more often. I hope I see him again. One of the coolest parts of that night was that when I walked downstairs to start serving the meal, I expected there to be a few people preparing food and almost no one sitting and talking with the guests, but when I walked in, the pastor himself was sitting at a table sharing a meal with everyone. He was talking to them like they were old friends (maybe they were), laughing, and sharing stories. The pastor's son and Chris also got to share meals with everyone. It was amazing to me. Wednesdays we also have "connections" groups where we split the high schoolers and middle schoolers up and between me and Chris (My boss....he hates me saying that lol) we'll lead Bible studies for whichever age group we have that week. We have small groups on Sundays for the older kids that have been going to the church for a while and already know the Lord. That's more like discipleship... similar to what Crash was. Tuesdays and Thursdays I help with the 4-6th graders. They are AWESOME. I get along with them really well. I help with homework, beat them when they are not quiet during devotions (jk, I just give them the stank eye and they usually respond promptly). Mostly I am a glorified babysitter during their after school program, but it is cool. I get to talk with them and love on them. I found a guitar in the sanctuary and me and about five 5th grader girls sang Chris Brown and Rihanna. I told them next week I'm bringing my own music with me that way they could sing along. I forgot to mention that one Sunday a mouth we have outings as well. We will be taking the High schoolers and Middle Schoolers out on the town. We'll be bowling, going to the Met. Museum, walking the Brooklyn Bridge, things like that. Also we are going to be doing a camp in Pennsylvania. I'll tell more about that when it comes closer to time. Basically, there is just a lot going on. There is a lot of preparing to do and a lot of praying to do. I observed mostly this week, so Monday will really be when I start getting into action. There is a lot of work to be done, but the Lord will equip me as I go. Friday's are my day off, and I need to go to Manhattan and get some errands done. I want to get home in time to REST tonight. Today is my Sabbath. Yay!
Prayer requests: Right now mostly I just need energy and discernment. I need wisdom to be able to lead these precious kids. I also need to focus. I cannot get behind here. I need to be listening to the Spirit and letting Him guide me. There is no way I can do all of this alone. And if I try to do this myself, I will inevitably get overwhelmed and run down.
Next blog I'm going to be telling you about- A man named Orlando, a little boy named Nicholas, the subway incident, and Lisset. I'll be writing soon.
PS- Just a random picture from the office. To explain the nose ring, yes, I did re-pierce it myself with a super hot sewing needle. I've worked in retail for the last two years or so and haven't been allowed to keep it in. I thought it due time to bring it back.

Baby it all sounds so exciting. So , So exciting. REST, REST, REST, when you can my sweet little girl.
ReplyDeleteI love you so much,
It sounds like an amazing experience! I continue to pray for you daily. I love you!
ReplyDeleteSounds wonderful Cody! I know that Jesus has been preparing you for this very thing, and I know He's pressing through you to those in need. With each thing you set your hand or heart to do, the Kingdom advances, and you make a difference in this world.
ReplyDeleteSOOO proud of you!
*Subway "incident"? Incident? Wise as serpents, harmless as doves...remember!
Cody, if more Christians loved like you do, the world would all be turning to Christ. I will pray for wisdom, discernment and energy and I'm praising God for what He is doing through you.
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to let you know that I showed your Meme your blog and sent a link to mom so they could read it at home. We love you and all are so happy for all the amazing things you are doing. I was thinking about Philippians today and how Paul struggled between wanting to be on earth to spread the word and being in Heaven with Christ. All he wanted was for everyone to know the Truth about Jesus and how glorious it was to know Him.
ReplyDeleteI thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
Philippians 1:3-6
I love you!
Miss Coco!! I'm so very proud of you and the amazing adventures our Dad is giving you. Looking forward in reading the "subway incident", et al. ^j^
ReplyDeleteMiss you much-
ReplyDeleteI have to be honest and tell you that I read each posting with trepidation over what new "experience" this "experience" will show you next. Each one doesn't disappoint... How did that man in the tighty-whiteys GET in the kitchen?!?! Do you still have your pepper spray? ;)
Careful as she goes, sweetie.
Be mucho aware (showing off MY spanish) :>
Love you to pieces - can't wait till you get home.