Hellooooo, all! Update time. I wont go into too too many details, but I want to let everyone know what's been going on the last couple of weeks. From now on there'll be more posts : D Mostly because I love you guys at home and you deserve to know WHAT in the world is up.
Story of the week. I am house sitting for Chris in Brooklyn. I can see Prospect Park from my window and it is awesommmme. The first night I came here I unloaded all my stuff and settled in. I bought apple juice juice boxes and realized I needed to put them in the refrigerator. I go towards the kitchen and notice the light was on. I was relieved. This place is creepy at night. I've lived here a week and still don't know how to turn the kitchen light on. ANYWAYS, I walked in the room and there was an older gentlemen ( late sixties, early seventies) sitting at the kitchen table eating cereal. It didn't take long for me to realize that....well... He wasn't wearing any pants. All he had on were some terribly old, worn whitey tighties. He looked up and me and all I could come up with was..."hello". He said "Oh. You must be the girl who's house sitting."...."Yep, that's me. What's your name?"..."Ernest" ..."Oh, I'm Cody... It's nice to meet you, Ernest"..."You too...I guess I should put some pants on..." So he just gets up, puts his dish away and walks right past me down the hallway. It was so weird. Then the next morning I saw him in the kitchen again. He simply said. "At least I got pants on today." Crazy times.
I've been hanging out with the highs school girls a lot. We had a girls night three weeks ago. We went to see "Madea Goes to Jail" AWESOME, by the way. We laughed and cried a little. Then we went to Chipotle. It was delicious. We sat and talked for hours just about life and things we're going through. The Lord was definitely in the conversation. He has softened the heart of these girls towards me and I am so thankful. I love them like sisters and it is such a privilege to even know them. Real talk.
Nafisah (she's a senior in high school) had a basketball game the other week. I got completely lost and thought she said it was on 5th avenue. Turns out she said 10th avenue. Either way I walked around aimlessly for a really long time until I called Chris and had him do a google search of the closest public school. I was at least 15 or more blocks away when he called and told me the address. I got there just as it ended, but I got to see her. She was crying because it was her last game of her high school career. I definitely understand where she was coming from. It wasn't that long since I felt the same way. I got to take her out to dinner and we talked about life and living better and the difficulty of carrying Christ with us out the door when we leave church. The culture here is so different than Florida. It is a breeze to be a Christian in Panama City. Here homosexuality (for girls at least), drugs, drinking, the expectation of sex as early as 12 years old, and filthy language are all a part of teen culture. That being said, no one is excused from the standards the Lord puts on our lives. I am praying for these kids, that the Lord would help them see they can live better.
I went to Pennsylvania with Chris, Lucy (awesome chaperon/driver), and the kids. -- all the pictures that I posted last were from camp-- It was awesome. It's interesting being on the other side of camp. Just this year I attended camp, all of a sudden I'm a counselor and camp looks a lot different. For me, it was an awesome time. They had a leadership conference during the same time the kids had "breakout sessions" where they talked about the subjects that were planned out for them. I learned so much. The speakers were so wonderful. I'm not necessarily going into full time ministry, but the things I learned can be applied in all manors of life, not just youth ministry. On the other hand, I gained a lot of wisdom and insight into how to do what I'm doing now but better. I'm full of fresh ideas and excited to see how they bless all the kids I come into contact with. Also during camp 4 of our kids accepted the Lord and 4 rededicated thier lives to Him. I am so thankful. It is true that camp is a highly emotional time, so it is very hard for them to come back to reality and put into practice what they learned. It has been bitter sweet. The kids are having a harder time now more than ever struggling between old life and new and knowing the difference between the two. Please be praying for them. These are hard times.
Chris has been gone for the last week and a half and I am going crazy without him. This is definitely not a one person type of job. But even in the midst of exhaustion, the Lord remains good. I get to use his cubicle while he's gone, so that's awesome. There are candles and flowers and stuff in it now... Also I hid his Arnold Schwarzenegger action figure lol . Hopefully he doesn't mind too much. I took advantage while I could.
We've had two groups come and help with the program for the last two weeks. That's been cool. I've been getting to know people from Virginia and Arizona. They have been super helpful especially since I am working solo at the moment.
It looks like plans for the summer are changing quickly. Right now it looks like I will be coming back to Graffiti in July, going to camp with the group in Puerto Rico, then coming back to Panama City. This is not definite, but I'm starting to feel more and more like I just started. I learned so much at the conference in PA, that it seems a shame not to put into practice what I've learned. We'll see. Only the Lord knows.
Nafisah is now interning for me on Thursdays. Yes, an intern for an intern. Before we start on more in depth stuff, I'm getting her to do some essentials. Today I had her print out at least 5 job applications and fill them out, open a gmail account that she can use as her "business" address, learned how to check her college app. online, work on getting a state issued ID, and went with her to Chase bank to get her hooked up with a checking account so she doesn't need to cash every check she gets. It was awesome. Next Thursay she'll start doing more stuff like helping with the church's clothing closet, working with elementary schoolers, etc. I'll also have her check up on her job applications and make sure she talks to the people on the phone nicely lol. Sometimes we have tone issues. hah. She is doing really well.
Other random things. I went to my first mass. Two of the kids I work with in elementary school were speaking in front of the congregation and I went so they'd know I supported them. Jimmy was really sad because he thought he did badly, I assured him otherwise.
I went to Vincent's guitar recital. It was so cool. He played very well. Two of the girls from afterschool met me at Graffiti and we walked together. We sat with Vincent's family and really enjoyed it. His dad is super nice. He doesn't speak too much English, but he has a way about him that's kind.
I went to a Speech Bee ( a first). One of the after schol girls, Kassandra, and Shayahsa a 5th grader from Graffiti were in it. Neither won, but it was good to be there. There was an intermission while the judges were deliberating, and I got to go say hey to everyone.
There are a lot of heavy things going on in the lives these kids. We have some struggling with bisexuality and being terribly confused as to who in the world they are, they are having sex with their significant others and it's causing all types of concerns, pregnancy, they are in abusive relationships and can't find a way out, parents are going through custody battles, divorce, disease, neglect..the list goes on. There have been a few times that I've been faced with a problem and I simply had to admit that I cannot handle the situation. There are certain things that I have to accept. One fact is that I cannot help everyone with everything at every time. I've had to call Lorie, my mentor and simply say... I have absolutely no clue what to do.
I'll be writing again soon. Thanks for being patient guys. Don't forget me up here. There are millinos of people, but it is definitely more lonely at times that Panama City. It's hard to stay hopeful when you walk on a subway car and everyone looks like they'd rather be anywhere else but by you. Everyone looks hopeless. It is much harder to see God as apparently here as at home. But, like I was telling my highschoolers, instead of asking " Where is God?" start asking a better question..."Where isn't He?"
Chris has been gone for the last week and a half and I am going crazy without him. This is definitely not a one person type of job. But even in the midst of exhaustion, the Lord remains good. I get to use his cubicle while he's gone, so that's awesome. There are candles and flowers and stuff in it now... Also I hid his Arnold Schwarzenegger action figure lol . Hopefully he doesn't mind too much. I took advantage while I could.
We've had two groups come and help with the program for the last two weeks. That's been cool. I've been getting to know people from Virginia and Arizona. They have been super helpful especially since I am working solo at the moment.
It looks like plans for the summer are changing quickly. Right now it looks like I will be coming back to Graffiti in July, going to camp with the group in Puerto Rico, then coming back to Panama City. This is not definite, but I'm starting to feel more and more like I just started. I learned so much at the conference in PA, that it seems a shame not to put into practice what I've learned. We'll see. Only the Lord knows.
Nafisah is now interning for me on Thursdays. Yes, an intern for an intern. Before we start on more in depth stuff, I'm getting her to do some essentials. Today I had her print out at least 5 job applications and fill them out, open a gmail account that she can use as her "business" address, learned how to check her college app. online, work on getting a state issued ID, and went with her to Chase bank to get her hooked up with a checking account so she doesn't need to cash every check she gets. It was awesome. Next Thursay she'll start doing more stuff like helping with the church's clothing closet, working with elementary schoolers, etc. I'll also have her check up on her job applications and make sure she talks to the people on the phone nicely lol. Sometimes we have tone issues. hah. She is doing really well.
Other random things. I went to my first mass. Two of the kids I work with in elementary school were speaking in front of the congregation and I went so they'd know I supported them. Jimmy was really sad because he thought he did badly, I assured him otherwise.
I went to Vincent's guitar recital. It was so cool. He played very well. Two of the girls from afterschool met me at Graffiti and we walked together. We sat with Vincent's family and really enjoyed it. His dad is super nice. He doesn't speak too much English, but he has a way about him that's kind.
I went to a Speech Bee ( a first). One of the after schol girls, Kassandra, and Shayahsa a 5th grader from Graffiti were in it. Neither won, but it was good to be there. There was an intermission while the judges were deliberating, and I got to go say hey to everyone.
There are a lot of heavy things going on in the lives these kids. We have some struggling with bisexuality and being terribly confused as to who in the world they are, they are having sex with their significant others and it's causing all types of concerns, pregnancy, they are in abusive relationships and can't find a way out, parents are going through custody battles, divorce, disease, neglect..the list goes on. There have been a few times that I've been faced with a problem and I simply had to admit that I cannot handle the situation. There are certain things that I have to accept. One fact is that I cannot help everyone with everything at every time. I've had to call Lorie, my mentor and simply say... I have absolutely no clue what to do.
I'll be writing again soon. Thanks for being patient guys. Don't forget me up here. There are millinos of people, but it is definitely more lonely at times that Panama City. It's hard to stay hopeful when you walk on a subway car and everyone looks like they'd rather be anywhere else but by you. Everyone looks hopeless. It is much harder to see God as apparently here as at home. But, like I was telling my highschoolers, instead of asking " Where is God?" start asking a better question..."Where isn't He?"

Me and Katherine ( One of the volunteers from William and Mary-- awesomeeee girl)
Best picture of Katherine ever. Really.
MY baby neice! SO SO SO SO SO SO awesome. Look at her little hands! Her arms! I'm in love. *Heart melts a little* She's due May 23rd.
W&M + Me
Yes, I'm a creeper and took a picture of these guys on the subway. Via phone, so don't worry. I didn't look obvious. It's just really rare you see kids with their dads. In fact, this is one of the first times. I had to get a picture. They're so cute! Haha, maybe you don't think so...
I have to add that I am really proud of Christine Adams and Beth Stinson for doing some awesome mission work this Spring break. Teen went to Haiti and worked in an orphanage for a week and did some awesome work of the Lord. Beth went to Guatemala and did some vbs construction team awesomeness. Those are my girlssss!
Cody <3>
I have to add that I am really proud of Christine Adams and Beth Stinson for doing some awesome mission work this Spring break. Teen went to Haiti and worked in an orphanage for a week and did some awesome work of the Lord. Beth went to Guatemala and did some vbs construction team awesomeness. Those are my girlssss!
Cody <3>
Cody I can't even begin to say how much I could feel the Lord through your writing and your experiences! I feel so honored and so special to be friends with someone capable of doing just so, so, so much good for others! We haven't forgotten about you here in Orlando - we'll keep praying for you and hope that God is guiding you and keeping you safe and well. Thank you for keeping up with this blog - it's really great to see what you've been up to, the wonderful people you have been meeting, the changes you've seen in others and overall how God can be found even in places no one thought it could.
ReplyDeleteKeep it up, girl! I know God is smiling down on you right now :)
-Sarah Maton :)
What an update! It is great reading about how the Lord is using you to help those young people. Give them our love. Tell them there are people in Florida pulling for them to make it.
ReplyDeletepatti c
Cody,babe! You are an amazing girl and I am so excited to see how God is going to use you because it's clear the Hes used you in so many ways already. Babe thanks so much for writing this because I have been wanting to go to Africa but my interest toward Africa has recently died. God has been using people in my life to show me that He still wants me to go and my reading your blog just motivated me more to plan my trip and start praying about it more.
ReplyDeleteLove, I totally understand and can relate when you said the cultures are different. I'm from Michigan and even though I was not saved in while I lived up there or at least had a personal relationship with Him I still saw the hurt that teens went through. I was even one of them at one point. But it's just amazing how God made my family move down to Florida so that I can have a relationship with Him. That just made me smile inside. God is so cool. Florida is a lot easier to have faith but with the practice you had here with your trials you will be able to use your past expirence to help you solve solutions now.
I so excited about what you are doing! God bless love!!!
Mandy Nicole
ReplyDeleteI have to be honest and tell you that I read each posting with trepidation over what new "experience" this "experience" will show you next. Each one doesn't disappoint... How did that man in the tighty-whiteys GET in the kitchen?!?! Do you still have your pepper spray? ;)
Careful as she goes, sweetie.
Be mucho aware (showing off MY spanish) :>
Love you to pieces - can't wait till you get home.
March 24, 2009 5:54 PM