A lot has been going on. Almost too much to mention, but I'm going to try.
My intern Nafisah is doing really well. She's only been interning for two weeks now ( once a week-- Thursdays) but she great. The first day was more like orientation so I introduced her to the kids she'd be working with and showed her the homeless ministry she'd be working in. I don't know if I mentioned earlier that I'm also having her memorize a scripture verse a week. We're really doing this together, and I told her that. I don't know the Word as well as I should, so this is a perfect opportunity to keep me accountable. It's really cool to see her work. I love that she is feeling important and that what she does matters. She is needed. I believe there is power in feeling needed for a greater purpose-- to be a part of something bigger than yourself and your own needs. I'm honored to be in the position to provide her with these opportunities. I'm praying for wisdom for her. She has so much potential; I can see it clearly. If you guys would pray for her too, that would be awesome...and effective.
The best quote of late is from Daniel. He's a 13 year old in the after school program. We were in a circle talking about a Bible verse on sexual immorality. The question posed was, " What does that verse mean to you?" Daniel replied, "...keep your hormones to yourself?" He definitely won't live that one down. I say it to some of the kids who are getting too close. Good times.
Some of you guys know that this week was a crunch week for deadlines at UCF. I've been accepted to the university, but still haven't been accepted into the nursing college. There are almost 50,000 students in the university and I believe only 40 or so are accepted into the school of nursing each year. This is definitely in the Lord's hands. I have a 4.0, but so do a lot of other candidates. I'm being realistic in my expectations while also trusting the Lord for whatever it is that He has planned. I filled out about 10 general scholarship applications, wrote all the essays, got all the paperwork together, and over nighted them Thursday. We shall see. I have about 10 more to fill out if accepted into the College of Nursing. We shall see. The acceptance letters get out the first week of April. I'll keep you guys posted.
Speaking of UCF and such, housing has been a bit of trip. I realized on March 26th that the on-campus house that I am looking at living in has an application deadline...March 2nd. We've had two different mission teams here, and I got so caught up with all of the business that I completely forgot about the housing deadline. My stomach felt sick when I looked at the screen and saw that applications were no longer being accepted. I immediately called housing and they confirmed that the BPW house is closed for Fall 2009, but that I could always apply for 2010. What a help! I felt the inclination to go ahead and apply even though the process was closed and the positions were full. I got a call the next day from the housing department saying they received my application and liked enough to accept me as a candidate even 22 days after the application deadline. They set me up for an interview this Thursday, April 2nd. The Lord is good. I do not in any way, shape, or form deserve this opportunity. I missed the deadline and there are plenty of others who applied on time. On the other hand, you won't catch me looking a gift horse in the mouth. I have no idea how the Lord does what He does, but I am thankful for the opportunity to interview for a space.
I have been seeing a change in one the boys in the after school program since Pinebrook. ( The camp in Pennsylvania I wrote about in the last post.) When I met him in January, he was a self- proclaimed atheist and wanted nothing to do with the Word or the Jesus guy we seem to be crazy about. The night he asked the Lord into his heart in PA he wanted to read a scripture out loud to the group. (I was thinking "Who are you, and what have you done with my child?"). He read Philippians 1:6. This was so obviously the work of the Lord, it was crazy. The verse says, "being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Only the Lord can turn hearts, and I am definitely seeing evidence of that fact here. That is such an encouraging verse. I needed to hear it myself. I am bad about starting a lot of things, but never really seeing them through to the end. I am SO thankful the Lord is not like that. I am encouraged by the fact that whatever work the Lord is starting in me, He will bring it to completion .... even when the finish line isn't in sight or I don't understand the means by which I'm getting there.
I've been showing the after school kids some guitar lately. We're learning basic chords for now, but I'm hoping they are interested enough to work on it on their own. They are some talented kids.
This friday I attended my first ring ceremony. To my knowledge, we don't have these in Panama City. It's a graduation ceremony to celebrate the transition from 8th grade into high school. I think this is a wonderful idea, making it to high school is a big milestone that should be celebrated. It was held in a Catholic church in Brooklyn, and it took me two hours to get there-- it was quite an endeavor. After I got there, it was worth it. I saw Cheyenne receive her ring, and then Chris, Cheyenne's family, and I went back to their place to celebrate. This was probably the most enjoyable time I've had outside of Graffiti since I've been in New York. I love sittingto simply sit at someone's house and enjoy other's company. I got to know people who go to Graffiti better, and also I met some new people. I met Graffiti's former children's director, Theresa. She is wonderful. She had a thick Southern accent and it was amazing to hear. It reminded me of home. For those of you who know Mrs. Paxton, that's who she reminded me of. Very sweet and inviting. Needless to say, we got along really well. We all just talked about life and laughed and told stories on each other. I love this type of fellowship. I feel like that's lacking in a lot of churches.We should definitely get together as the body more often and just get to know each other outside of Sunday morning.
After all of Friday's festivities, I was not feeling well. Well, ok. I didn't feel well Friday morning, but medicated myself so I wouldn't miss the ceremony. By time I got home, I was definitely feeling it. I had a fever and couldn't deny it. I spent all of Friday and Saturday at home not feeling well. Sore throat, fever, body ache, etc. Today has been better, but I didn't go to church. This weekend alone I have watched.....about 5 romantic comedies. ( DON'T JUDGE ME)Granted, I did productive things while watching... sometimes. Romantic comedies are great and obviously one of my favorite movie generes, but they are not healthy for a physically ailing 19 year old girl. I was feeling entirely too sappy only after movie number two. I believe if any decentely attractive, well-meaning Christian boy would have come to the door step I would have called it destiny and married within the week. I think it's apparent that I need to cut down on my fairy tale ending, overly romantisized love storeies. I'm sure you agree too. I'm glad to be going back to work tomorrow. I want to spend as much time with the kids as humanly possible before I leave. One month and 18 days : (
That's all I have for now. I love you all very much.
Here's some pictures for you!
Me, Cheyenne, and Chris at the ring ceremony.
Ezra sneaking some cake at Cheyenne's house in Brooklyn.
Chris and Theresa
Cheyenne looking pretty.
Kassandra playing some guitar!
Chris trying to skateboard.

Talitha, Amanda, and Me : )

Amanda, Me, and Talitha
Chillen in the streets. Natalie's face is priceless.
Loveeeee themmmm.
Chris and Daniel walking through Tompkin's
Cheyenne rocking the trumpet. Vincent looking uneasy in the background.
Miss Sassy Pants.
Volunteer team from Arizona. Amanda and Talitha. They are wonderful girls and helped me out a lot when Chris was gone <3
I had been staying up late working on UCF applications and things of the like. Lack of sleep+ busy days= falling asleep in a public area. This is in the youth room before the after school program started. Chris woke me up about 5 minutes before the kids got there. Cruellllllll.
Me and Katherine( from Virginia).....with a bat.
Hey my Cosy girl, wonderful blog and pictures thanks for the up date. Sounds like all is going well and that you are taking care of yourself and the kids. I just love to see their faces. Your smile and theirs. Your pics are worth a thousand words. See you in a few days Baby Girl. Loving you every minute of every day. XXXXXXXXXXOOOOOO
ReplyDeleteCody, you are a delight, and I really enjoy your posts. Keep up the good work.
patti c
Cody, thanks so much for all the updates. I can't tell you how much I enjoy reading about your days and seeing all the pictures of the kids! We miss you and look forward to seeing you again, although it seems you will be leaving again as soon as you get home. We love you!